Ring.io assigns one company phone number where customers can call your business and a Ring.io personal number for each user in the account. Let's cover the main differences between a Ring.io company and personal number.
Ring.io Company Number | Ring.io Personal Number |
Use the Ring.io personal number as a direct dial. | |
$10.00/month for an additional company number | Free for each user |
Inbound and Outbound Calling | Inbound and Outbound Calling |
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Ring.io Company numbers have features which can offer your callers a more personalized experience. Your team can add as many company numbers as you'd like which can then be routed to a department, user, external number or a menu. Do you have a number that needs to be routed to a specific department or user? This can be accomplished with a Ring.io company number.
Ring.io Personal numbers are included at no additional cost for each user. A user can have one personal number which can be used as a direct dial for your clients, text messaging and call forwarding.